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Cesar Nieto S.L.
C/ Alfonso XIII, Nº21
37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)

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Cesar Nieto S.L.
Polgno. Agroali. I-3, parcela 66-m
Apdo. Correos: 79
37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)

Factory Address:

Cesar Nieto S.L.
Polgno. Agroali. I-3, parcela 66-m
Apdo. Correos: 79
37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)


+34 923 58 04 47


+34 923 58 04 86

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Acorn Fed Ibérico Salchichón
Pieza de Acorn Fed Ibérico Salchichón
Acorn Fed Ibérico Salchichón Envasado al Vacío

Acorn Fed

Ibérico Salchichón

This product is elaborated with meat that is somewhat less lean than that used for Chorizo. This selection enhances its flavour and differentiates it from other sausage meats. Another notable characteristic is that there is no paprika used in its marinade, while White Wine and Black Pepper do form part of its secret, endowing it with a very special flavour that makes it unlike any other Salchichón to be found on the market.

Nutritional Facts (per 100 g)

Protein .......... 27,50 g

Fat .......... 41 g

Carbohydrate .......... 5,9 g

Nutritional Value .......... 503 kcal

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