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Acorn Fed Ibérico Loin Stuffed with Wild Mushrooms

Acorn Fed Ibérico Loin Stuffed with Wild Mushrooms

Serves 4 - Dificultad: Easy

Time: Mise en place:

Ingredients (4 Portions):

- 400 gr. Ibérico Loin
- 200 gr. Selection of wild mushrooms
- 50 gr. Paprika
- 20 gr. Cumin seeds
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Pepper
- Salt


1º - Preheat oven to 150ºC.
2º - Trim the loin of all its fat and cut 4 equal portions and fan them out.
3º - Clean the wild mushrooms and let them soak in water for 5 hours. Then drain them and chop them into small pieces. Lightly stir fry the wild mushrooms with some olive oil, salt, cumin seeds and pepper. Add the paprika and sauté lightly making sure it does not burn.
4º - Take the pieces of loin and stuff them with the wild mushroom mixture. Roll them up and tie them. Briefly sear the rolls in a frying pan and then put it all into the 150ºC preheated oven for approximately 10 minutes.
5º - Once finished you can decorate the dish as you like. You can use the photograph as a reference or leave it up to your own imagination.

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