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Secreto Steak with Tomatoes and Onions

Secreto Steak with Tomatoes and Onions

Serves 4 - Dificultad: Easy

Time: Mise en place:

Ingredients (4 Portions):

- 2 Secreto Steaks
- 2 kg. Pear Tomatoes
- Onion
- Basil
- Oregano


1º - Slice the onion into thin rings. Add them to a frying pan with a little bit of olive oil and let them sauté slowly until they are golden in color. Season with salt and pepper.
2º -Meanwhile slice the tomatoes into half centimeter rounds, add salt and pepper and some chopped basil and oregano. In a hot frying pan with a little bit of olive oil barely sear the tomato rounds on both sides.
3º - Season the Secreto steak with salt and pepper and put it on a hot frying pan. Grill to taste.
4º - Plating the dish. Place the tomatoes on the bottom of the dish and carefully put the Secreto steak on top, covering it all with the onion rings. Serve and enjoy.

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