Siège :

Cesar Nieto S.L.
C/ Alfonso XIII, Nº21
37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)

Bureaux :

Cesar Nieto S.L.
Polgno. Agroali. I-3, parcela 66-m
Apdo. Correos: 79
37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)

Téléphone :

+34 923 58 04 47


+34 923 58 04 86

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Watercress and Endive Salad with Foie and Acorn Fed Ibérico Ham

Watercress and Endive Salad with Foie and Acorn Fed Ibérico Ham

Serves 4 - Dificultad: Easy

Time: Mise en place:

Ingredients (4 Portions):

- 1 Bag of watercress
- 4 Endives
- 1 Bunch of small radishes
- 100 gr. of Foie
- 20 slices of Acorn fed Ibérico ham
- Salt
- Pepper
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Vinegar of Modena
- 1 Bunch of toasted hazelnuts


1º - Slice the endives into ½ cm rounds. Cut the radishes in half.
2º - Make some shavings of mi-cuit foie.
3º - Place a bunch of watercress on the dish, add another bunch of sliced endives and another little pile of radishes.
4º - Place some shavings of foie on top and a few slices of acorn fed Ibérico ham. Add a few toasted hazelnuts.
5º - Season with salt and pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a few drops of balsamic vinegar of Modena. Serve and enjoy.

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