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Polgno. Agroali. I-3, parcela 66-m
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37770 Guijuelo (Salamanca)


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Acorn Fed Ibérico Tenderloin Steak Tartar

Acorn Fed Ibérico Tenderloin Steak Tartar

Serves 4 - Difficulty: Moderate

Time: Mise en place:

Ingredients (4 Portions):

- 1 kg. Ibérico Tenderloin
- 100 gr. Scallions
- 100 gr. Dry tomatoes
- 100 gr. Acorn fed Ibérico ham
- 100 gr. Ham fat

For the Chutney:

- 100 gr. Strawberries
- 50 gr. Honey
- Pepper
- Cayenne pepper
- Maldon Salt

For the tomato foam:

- 1 kg. Pear tomatoes


1º - Slice the tenderloin into thin strips of meat, turning them and again cutting across the strip to make small cubes. Finely dice the scallions, dry tomatoes and acorn fed Ibérico ham. Mix it all together and put aside.
2º - Lightly sauté the strawberries, add the honey and let it all reduce, finally adding a touch of seasoning with the cayenne pepper, pepper and salt.
3º - Squash up the pear tomatoes with your hands and put them in a colander to drain, collecting all the liquid. Take all the liquid and put it into a two charge siphon and into the refrigerator.
4º - Plating of the dish. Put a few spoonfuls of chutney in the bottom of a deep dish, then add the chopped tenderloin and finish it off with a dollop of tomato foam, a drizzle of olive oil and a few flakes of Maldon salt.

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